Sunday, April 5, 2020


As we know that various objects possess various properties so we can group those objects who have properties common to all. This phenomena of grouping various objects on basis of their common properties is known as classification. Classification allows us to make a systematic and a homogeneous group out of a heterogeneous group.
Questions relating to classification normally enable the examiner to check the candidate’s ability to classify given objects. Classification questions are normally of three types and they are −

Alphabet classification

In this type of classification, letters of alphabet are classified in a group using a particular method or rule.

Words classification

In this type of classification, different objects are classified on the basis of common features and properties.

Miscellaneous classification

In this type of classification, any rule other than alphabet or words can be implemented for grouping.
1 - Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options −
A - db
B - centimetre
C - quadraphonic
D - quad
Answer − Option B
Explanation − All other terms are units to measure sound.
2 - Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options −
A - Swans
B - Geese
C - Duck
D - Cuckoo
Answer − Option D
Explanation − All others are water-birds except cuckoo.
3 - Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options −
A - Mercury
B - Bronze
C - Silver
D - Iron
Answer − Option A
Explanation − Mercury is a liquid metal whereas all others are solid ones.
Q 1 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - D
All other options are indicating negative natures of human except option D.
Q 2 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - B
All others are parts of a computer.
Q 3 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - B
All others are units of weight.
Q 4 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - D
Option D is a season but all others are conditions of a season.
Q 5 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - D
All other items belong to same class.
Q 6 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - D
Jainism is a religion whereas others are holy books of different religions.
Q 7 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - B
Except tongue all other are outside mouth.
Q 8 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - D
Except option D all others are indicating water sources.
Q 9 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - A
Snow is a solid one and all others are liquid.
Q 10 − Three of the following four are same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
Options :
Answer - B
All others are good human acts.

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